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About My Session

Energy work with Intuitive Coaching begins with co-creating a safe, protected setting to work in together - whether we are meeting online or in person.  Remember, this is your adventure – your story.  We’re facilitators, here to help you clear obstacles along your life journey and enhance your capacity to live your mission.


Through gentle inquiry, deep compassion, and intuitive guidance we'll:


  • clear and heal old energetic patterns (thoughts, emotions, relationship dynamics)


  • access support from higher guide teams and universal source


There are moments when your only job is to receive.  Other times you'll be offered a chance to answer questions, feel what is happening in your body, or notice thoughts or images that come to you during your session.  As you step into the world of energy healing, you'll find yourself embracing discovery and feeling more connected to your self and the world around you.



We encourage you to give yourself time to integrate energetic changes before entering the busy-ness of daily life.  If we are meeting in person, consider adding on a few minutes of Energetic Shavasana to aid this process.  



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