Self-Care for Your Journey
Self-care doesn't have to be fancy. It does help if it's consistent. It offers an opportunity to shift thoughts on a hard day, or magnify positive feelings on a good day. It also doesn't need to be expensive, many of the ideas below are cost-free. We're happy to help you source resources you would like to add to your repertoire.
Here are some ideas:
Images or impressions
Thoughts that circle in your head
Things/people/experiences you are grateful for
Experiences you are looking forward to
Dreams at the time of waking
Take naps
Move your body
Go for a short walk in a natural environment
Take a yin or restorative yoga class
Meditate, pray or engage in your favorite spiritual practice
Colour or sketch
Set boundaries and protection around your
energy system
Talk to a trusted friend
Take a temperature cue
Chilly? Cuddle up under a warm and/or weighted blanket
Warm? Open a window and let in some fresh air
Share touch with a loved one or get a massage from a professional
Listen to
A tapping meditation
A favorite podcast
A favorite song
The sound of a natural environment
Your intuition or your wiser, kinder self
Support the detox
Drink a lot of water
Visit an infared sauna
Bathe with epsom salts or lavender aromatherapy
Practice gratitude
10 things I’m grateful for today when you wake up
I’m grateful for my feet because..., I’m grateful for my knees because..., I ‘m grateful for my hips because…all throughout the body
Share your gratitude for someone in your life
But most importantly, be gentle on yourself. Things can be a little rocky on our little planet, and remember; you are not alone.